We heard many comments about the perdition. We heard that the perdition came through the tree of knowledge of good and evil, ate for Adam and Eve, the fruit prohibited by God..

Perdition gives us the truth, to lose the action. The human lost his action when he ate the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. Interesting to observe that before you miss the action, the man didn't have knowledge of evil, and no good, and they were the image of God, then, we have reached a truth where seen beings without this notion, living only with their divine essence, with a level of consciousness above the understanding of good or evil.

The fruit of perdition was the WORD.

When words are used, they exert a strong influence in our environment, for the good or for the evil, but words can not reach the real essence of man, they only reach an conscience of good and evil, right or wrong .. . They are devoid of original divinity of man.

When I say:
- My name is Alves Gleilson, I am from Fortaleza in Ceara.
Is this true, or just something created to nominate someone or something, a meaning?

Nominate something or someone is not the true, is just an indication for us to physically identify a person or object. The true is more profound than this, it is in being original man, it is in the being of the human.

By Gleilson Alves  


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